Saturday, July 21, 2007


There's a bunch of different thoughts out there about which plates work best for which armor/mob combo...

I'm told that many believe that Rascal + 3B is the best all around drone hunting combo... I think that's possibly true, to a degree, but using something with a little more protection may be better... like maybe Vigilante with plates is a good way to go.

I've also read that you should almost always use plates on armor, just like you should use amps on guns because it will cost you less in decay in the long run since plates suppossedly decay less than armor itself... haven't tested that theory myself much, but it seems logical...

Here's what I've read are the best plates to choose for best situations:

For Protection in Close Combat/Melee situations:

For Protection Against Firearms (PvP or Drones):

For Protection Against Cold:

For Protection Against Acid:

For Protection Against Electric:
6B - especially if combined with Thunderbird Armor.

Note for crafters: I've read in some forums that the ingredients that go in to these plates' blueprints can ONLY be found in materials looted in space (Crytal Palace or Club Neverdie)... I'm not sure how true that is, but it may be something to think about before you bid on a blueprint in auction!...

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