For some reason, the walls on the shops on the basements of the buildings at Omegatron seem to dissappear when looking from the inside of the building at the shops. Part of it may be that my computer's slowness doesn't render all the massive number of objects in the shops or the walls or something, but this is a bug I've seen a number of times. Usually it looks like the shop just isn't there or just parts of the walls are and they are transparent. In the past, this has happened and was mainly a visual thing... but last night, for the first time ever, I noticed that my avatar could jump through the wall and land outside of the building.
In other words the wall object wasn't there at all from the inside of the building, but was from the outside. Looking in at the wall from outside you could see the wall textures and it was solid if avatar walked up to it. However, from inside avatar would see outside, like the wall wasn't there, and could just hop on through and land on the sidewalk outside of the building.
It's annoying, especially if you are trying to shop there since the walls in the shops won't show up and the objects for sale there don't show up either. Relogging in sometimes fixed the problem, but I did notice last night that relogging in twice, the same thing was happening... It was only on third relog after about 15-20 minutes of being away from the computer that the walls were normal and the shop was too, on both the inside and outside.
Something sort of interesting about all of this, if you see my previous post, is that there was a flanx running around right next to the tp... so this bug may be the cause of that, or some uber is?... either way, it's something interesting that's happening around omegatron. Use it to your advantage, if it does happen, and you can find some way to use it to advantage? Maybe you can manage to get a mob to stand outside of a building somehow and shoot it or sweat it from inside?
On a good note, after the shops started acting right again for me, I bought up several blueprints at tt+1 that had market values much higher than that. I am not sure if I'm going to try to auction these off or not. I wanted to buy the transparency bp but was about 1 ped short... it was priced at something like tt+10 but had market value of tt+15 or so.
When I did buy the bps that I did buy and put them in my equipment book, the icon in the inventory for the book got a lock and chain on it. I'm assuming this means the book is going up in value or something...??? Never had that happen before. Maybe it means the book has over 50% of the bps in it now or something?
I also did a lot of window shopping around there. I'd really love to be able to buy some stuff from that Salamander Armor Shop... but my name isn't Bill Gates... or Donald Trump... so I don't think I'll be buying that pricey stuff for a long while, if ever.
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